What I wish i knew is that none of this will matter and it’s so much more important to enjoy life than harp on your appearance or things you can’t change about yourself.
Right now I am having huge issues with eating. Just in general. Whenever I’m hungry I will go to make food and then I will get nauseous just smelling it or thinking about eating it. But usually I struggle with either binging or barely eating at all.
My mom and my boyfriend have been most important to my recovery. They were just the most understanding and patient. They listened the most. Also my friends were always amazing at listening.
What I wish people knew is that not all people who are anorexic WANT to look anorexic.
I absolutely love treating myself and taking care of myself, I think that is so important. I love doing long skin care routines and health routines when I have time. I have seen a difference in how I view myself when I give myself the divine treatment I deserve. Another huge thing is just actually looking at my body without clothes on often instead of avoiding that. That has been extremely helpful in allowing myself to become obsessed with my body and putting that image into my more than instagram models bodies ya know?
Still recovering. It’s an ongoing battle that I have excepted will probably stay with me forever. On my good days (weeks/ months) I just enjoy eating with the people I love without having to think about it. That’s the best thing if I’m being honest.
I think if there was a platform for people to just share their experiences very personally and openly that wouldn’t be triggering and would be very helpful.
I always hate when people try to force food at me. That always makes it worse. I’ve found that. Also when people try to invalidate my eating disorder because I do not appear to have one. Big girls can have them too!